
726 WB Interior Acrylic Undercoat


Acrylic undersoat with good working properties and fine levelling. For indoors use only as undercoat for acrylic and alkyd systems. Excellent adhesion on most surfaces such as PVC, melamine and glossy alkyd paints .


Gloss Approx. 3 Flat matt
Thinning Water. Normally not to be diluted
Tools Brush, Roller or Spraying
Application +10 ºC to + 25º C. RH: 40-80%
Coverage Approx. 10 m²/ltr on planed wood
Drying App. 2-4 hours at 20° C. RH.: 65%. Recoateable after app. 8 hours.
Colours White
Materials 7261002 Super Primer WB White 1 L
7261003 Super Primer WB White 3 L