
854 Cover-Plus


Water based alkyd paint for windows with high solid contentand excelent coverage. Contains materials, that protect the film against surface mold.


Thinning Water
Application +10 ºC to + 25º C. RH: 40-80%
Coverage Rough saw timber: 2-5 m²/Liter Planed timber: 8-10 m²/Liter
Drying App. 2-4 hours at 20° C. RH.: 65%. Recoateable after app. 8 hours.
Colours White and B&J tinting system
Materials 8540012 Cover-It *C 0,9 L
8540013 Cover-It *C 2,7 L
8541012 Cover-It *White 0,9 L
8541013 Cover-It *White 2,7 L